I think there is hidden statistic in PUBG that represents how lucky you are. You’ve landed right on an M416 and blasted all nearby helpless opponents before they could even find a pistol? +25% to your luck counter. You’ve fully stocked up on ammo and meds? another 25%. You accidentally stumble upon an old crate that no one has looted? Here, have a bonus 50% to your luck stat. And geez, what have we here? You’ve reached 100%? Now it’s time to put you in your place kid. Is there a big open field with no cover in sight, right in front of you? Great, let’s place the next zone right behind it, so you can get shot to pieces by absolutely every other player. Or maybe lets bomb you with a red zone. Or all time favorite, lets spawn some players right beside you, so they can decorate your butt with some new holes. Because if there is one thing that this game does well, it’s building up your hope for just long enough, that when it will inevitably turn your luck around, and squish you and your dreams like a little bug you are, you’ll be complately devasteted. And the game will feed on your sweet, sweet tears.