Ala Kapustka is responsible for maintanence and development of pink blobs with black outline. Her masterful painting skills (totally) unravel an intricate world of moronic pigs chasing after chickens while having strokes, bullets in the heads, arrows in the knees or just a bad day. The realism of the art is astounding and reader’s immersion is instant.

In all seriousness I draw silly stuff and play PUBG which I’m extraordinarily bad at. I also work in game-development doing various artsy stuff, most notably illustrations for Gwent. Check out (or don’t) my instagram or artstation for more!

Tymek Głowacki is the one who spends his days working as a technical artist in gamedev (Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and some unannounced projects) and his nights wasting too much time playing PUBG. He pretends to be involved in the comics creation, by telling Ala stories about his adventures in the game. They usually involve loosing very badly and getting killed in a way that’s both funny and terrible. Oh, he also helps write those texts under the comics than no one ever reads.